House of Horrors lifts the roof on the disgusting details of domestic life as only Horrible Science. Who lives in a house like this? Just about everyone. This book will have the cleanest of neat freaks running for cover when they discover what theyll never be able to get out of the carpet. House of Horrors dishes the dirt on the secret life of dust mites and parasitic pet poo. Features Innovative cover features a pouch of squishy realistic-looking maggots.
Editora: Scholastic
Autor: Nick Arnold and Tony Saulles
Encadernação: Capa Dura
Tradutor / Adaptação:
Ano: 2012
Coleção: Horrible Science
Idioma: Inglês
Páginas: 80pag.
ISBN13: 9781407116730
Altura: 1cm
Largura: 24cm
Comprimento: 30cm
Condição: 3 - Em condição de novo
Parcelas | Total | |
1 x | de R$85,00 sem juros | R$85,00 |
2 x | de R$42,50 sem juros | R$85,00 |
3 x | de R$29,32 | R$87,97 |