When a boy discovers a single-propeller airplane in his closet, he does what any young adventurer would do: He flies it into outer space! Millions of miles from Earth, the plane begins to sputter and quake, its fuel tank on empty. The boy executes a daring landing on the moon . . . but there's no telling what kind of slimy, slithering, tentacled, fang-toothed monsters lurk in the darkness! (Plus, it's dark and lonely out there.) Coincidentally, engine trouble has stranded a young Martian on the other side of the moon, and he's just as frightened and alone.
Editora: Kaléidoscope
Autor: Oliver Jeffers
Encadernação: Capa Dura
Tradutor / Adaptação: Élisabeth Duval
Ano: 2007
Idioma: Francês
Páginas: 28pag.
ISBN13: 9782877675536
Altura: 1cm
Largura: 25cm
Comprimento: 26cm
Condição: 2 - Com pequenos detalhes de uso
Parcelas | Total | |
1 x | de R$85,00 sem juros | R$85,00 |
2 x | de R$42,50 sem juros | R$85,00 |
3 x | de R$29,32 | R$87,97 |