Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens is the magical tale that first introduces Peter Pan, the little boy who never grows any older. He escapes his human form and flies to Kensington Gardens, where all his happy memories are, and meets the fairies, the thrushes, and Old Caw the crow. The fairies think he is too human to be allowed to stay in after Lock-out time, so he flies off to an island which divides the Gardens from the more grown-up Hyde Park.
Editora: Wordsworth Editions
Autor: J. M. Barrie
Ilustrador: Arthur Rackham
Encadernação: Capa Comum
Tradutor / Adaptação:
Ano: 2007
Edição: 1
Idioma: Inglês
Páginas: 269pag.
ISBN13: 9781853261206
Altura: 1,5cm
Largura: 12,5cm
Comprimento: 19,7cm
Condição: 2 - Com pequenos detalhes de uso
Parcelas | Total | |
1 x | de R$25,00 sem juros | R$25,00 |