The Time Warp Trio is back-and they're going back in time, all the way to the Stone Age, where there aren't any math problems. But there are plenty of other problems to keep Sam, Joe, and Fred on their toes, including a tribe of hostile cavewomen, a hungry-looking saber-toothed tiger, a bone-rattling earthquake, and a woolly mammoth who wants to turn them into toe-jam. But worst of all, how can The Book get them back home again when writing hasn't even been invented yet?
Autor: Jon Scieszka
Encadernação: Capa Comum
Tradutor / Adaptação:
Ano: 1993
Coleção: The Time Warp Trio
Idioma: Ingles
Páginas: 78pag.
ISBN13: 9780140363722
Altura: 0,5cm
Largura: 13cm
Comprimento: 20cm
Condição: 1 - Com detalhe visível
Parcelas | Total | |
1 x | de R$35,00 sem juros | R$35,00 |